In Act V, scene v of Shakespeare's play,
Macbeth, Macbeth begins to realize that the witches have played him
false with their predictions, especially the second
Recall that Hecate, Queen of the Witches, was angry
with the weird sisters because, among other things, they had not taught Macbeth to
respect their power, and more than that, they had not tricked him into completely giving
himself over to their power. She plans, then, to provide him with
misleading prophecies that, when taken at face value, will lead him to his destruction
by giving him a false sense of security (which she says is man's greatest
When Malcolm begins to move in for his attack,
Macbeth scoffs at those who desert his own forces because he one born of
woman can harm him, that he needs to beware of Macduff, and that he cannot be defeated
until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.
However, when a
messenger reports that it looked like the woods moved (when it was actually Malcolm's
men camouflaged with branches), Macbeth realizes that the witches were playing "word
games," practicing "doublespeak" or double-talk.
By the
time Macduff arrives, and admits his was a cesarean
they charm,And let the angel whom thou still has
servedTell thee Macduff was from his mother's
wombUntimely ripped...
...Macbeth clearly
realizes that he has been tricked. One of the few things to admire about this tyrant at
the end of the play is that he does not cower, but faces Macduff like a man. Ironically,
the Thane of Cawdor, whose title and lands were conferred on Macbeth after the Thane was
convicted of treason, also went nobly to his
The central theme I see in this play (though there
are other secondary themes as well) comes from the witches during their first set of
prophecies for Macbeth:
Fair is foul, and foul is fair... (I, i,
Translated, this means,
generally, that what looks good can sometimes be bad, and what
looks bad can sometimes be good.
example, Macbeth looks like an honorable man at the start, but hides his vaulting
ambition so no one realizes at first that he could kill the King. On the other hand,
when Malcolm and Donalbain flee after their father's murder, the "rumor" spreads that
they are guilty of the King's death. The truth is that they are afraid
they will be killed also, as Malcolm has just been named heir to
the throne.
With regard to the witches' second set of
predictions, they sound good: Macbeth believes he is invincible, however, they are
inaccurate and they ultimately thwart Macbeth's attempts to hold onto the throne, and
lead to his eventual death.
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