There are many inferences of social and cultural
conventions of the day in Act II, scene iii of Shakespeare's Much Ado about
Nothing (pronounced note-ing). One inference reveals
attitudes relating to servitude. In the beginning of the act, Benedick calls to his
servant with an imperious, depersonalizing "Boy!" The servant comes instantly and
replies with "Signor?" There is not much in the single word itself to reveal the
servant's attitude but his following line, after being asked to bring a book, reveals
good humour (and maybe some intentional stupidity!) if in no other way than though the
lack of resentment and bitterness: "I am here already, sir." The conclusion follows that
one socio-cultural convention was for masters of servants to be rude, curt, and
disrespectful while at least some servants responded with readiness in carrying out
commands and good humor, with a touch of intentional or unintentional
Two other socio-cultural conventions pertaining
to a soldiers life are exposed in Benedick's Act II, scene iii monologue about Claudio.
He reveals that soldiers take a serious interest in their accoutrement's of war ("would
have walked ten mile a-foot to see a / good armour") and that this interest can be
side-tracked by feelings of love, as is the case with Claudio: "now will he lie ten
nights awake, / carving the fashion of a new doublet." Benedick also reveals that
soldiers "speak plain and to the purpose." Yet again, love may turn them from their
habitual plain ways, as is also the case for Claudio: "his / words are a very
fantastical banquet."
Two other socio-cultural conventions
inferred relate to music and love. Music was a household constant. Wealthy individual
had household musicians as is testified to by the presence of Balthasar and his
musicians; this is a socio-cultural convention confirmed in As You Like It
by the presence of the singer in the forest of Arden with the deposed Duke
Ferdinand Senior. Love always follows music, and music always accompanies love, so it is
no surprise that from Balthasar's music we learned that the socio-cultural convention of
disappointment in love was the same as it is today:
troubles in love as now / … /
Men were
deceivers ever,
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing
constant never:
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