There are several examples of "personification" in
Shakespeare's Macbeth.
First of all,
personification is a literary device whereby the author, for the
sake of providing a more impactful image, gives human characteristics (abilities, etc.)
to non-human things.
A pair of examples of personification
are found in Act One, scene three, as Macbeth, marveling over their meeting with the
witches, says to Banquo:
Or have we eaten on the insane root
That takes the reason prisoner?
This basically means
that Macbeth wonders if he has eaten a root, such as henbane or hemlock, which was
supposed to cause madness: for they cannot believe what they have seen and heard in
their encounter with the witches.
There are two examples of
personification here: a root cannot be "insane;" personification also gives the "root"
the ability to take the mind prisoner, something only a person could do, not a
Personification is used again in Act One, scene
five, when Lady Macbeth learns of the witches' prophecies, Macbeth's recent honors, and
Duncan's impending visit; she calls on the spirits of darkness to make her tougher, and
less womanly; she speaks also to the night:
Come, thick night, / And pall thee in the
dunnest smoke of Hell, / That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, / Nor Heaven
peep through the blanket of the dark / To cry 'Hold,
This quote has several
instances of personification. They are: "keen knife see," "Heaven peep," and [Heaven]
"To cry 'Hold, hold!'"
A knife cannot "see," and Heaven
does not "peep" or "cry [out]."
Shakespeare is masterful.
Some believe he is the greatest writer who ever lived. There is no doubt that he is a
genius in his expression and use of the English language. "Personification" is only one
literary device that "the Bard" uses (and so well) in his plays and sonnets,
specifically here, in Macbeth.
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