The monument being erected for the Unknown Citizen is
probably similar to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and other monuments praising those
who have fallen and died in the line of duty. It should be a tribute to those fallen
who could not be identified by name.
However the speaker
in this poem is being more sarcastic. Instead of truly being an unknown soldier because
of a violent death in war, the citizen is unknown because of a lack of indivuality or
importance in modern society. He is simply referred to as a number which is mentioned
in the first two lines:
To JS/07/M/378/ This Marble Monument
Erected by the State
speaker is an unnamed commentator who is trying to use veiled sarcasm to show the idea
that people have lost their individuality and are now being lumped into a pile of
The Unknown Citizen is such a person. His
monument is being erected to celebrate his life, his service to his community, his
family, his responsible nature, and the like. His days are filled with the monotony of
filing insurance papers, working and purchasing approptiate middle-class
The last line of the poem, however, suggests, the
narrator's true them.
Was he free? Was he happy? The question is
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have
Is this living "below
the radar" idea, living as drones, truly what makes a person alive? Through the
sarcasm, the reader understans the answer - NO.
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