When you are asked to provide "thought-provoking
questions" for an assignment, the most important thing is for those questions to come
from you. I would suggest rereading the story carefully and marking thoughts, ideas,
and even questions in the margin. If you can't write in your book, you can use post-it
notes or even little pieces of note paper as you read. Start by asking questions at
certain places, such as "Why does he think this?" "Why does he react this way?" "What
would I do in his place?" Keep in mind that Dade, the sensitive narrator, is recalling
how he disappointed his parents and himself when he turned
Thought-provoking questions could deal with the
disappointment of the parents ("Why were they disappointed?" "Were they right to be
disappointed?") or Dade's developing feelings about the shoplifter ("Why does he let her
go?" "Why does he think about her needs instead of understanding the business needs of
the store?")
The most thought-provoking questions will be
those that help you to think more deeply about the character development and conflict in
the story. Good luck.
The summary and analysis of the
story available on E-Notes might help you with your questions,
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