Friday, February 27, 2015

In his poem "Good Morrow" how has Donne used metaphysical characteristics to express his love for the lady in the forceful manner?

Donne expresses his metaphysical love. I would say he does
so “forcefully” only in the sense that he does so with passion and

In the first stanza, the speaker speculates
what he and the lady did before they met and fell in love. He concludes that any
satisfied desire he experienced prior to their meeting was just a dream of what was to
come with her.


If ever any beauty I did

Which I desir’d, and got, twas but a dream of

In the second stanza,
the speaker compares their relationship to a “little room” which is “an every where.”
The world of their love is greater than what all explorers have

sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,

Let Maps to other,
worlds on worlds have showne,

Let us possess one world,
each hath one, and is

This is literally and
figuratively metaphysical. Their love is Ideal and it is also beyond the bounds of
materiality because it is greater than the larger expanses of the outside

In the third stanza, the speaker notes that their
love is immortal. Again, this means beyond the physical (metaphysical). He expresses
this in the Ideal sense of love as an abstract, eternal quality. But he also shows this
by the metaphysical quality that emerges as a quality of their


If our two loves be one, or, thou and

Love so alike, that none doe slacken, none can

If two can be one, the
idea of immortality seems hopeful. If two can be one, then maybe two can be infinite. As
long as the love is perfect, it can escape the bounds of the physical world and the
bounds of temporality.

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