Thursday, May 1, 2014

What are types of linguistics knowledge in Noam Chomsky's transformational generative grammar theory?

In Chomsky's transformational generative grammar theory,
there are four most important types of linguistic knowledge. Though the theory and
nomenclature has changed for some concepts as Chomsky has refined his theory over time,
the underlying concepts remain constant. The first two of the most important types of
linguistic knowledge are that of performance and

Linguistic competence is the deeper concept of
the two and has to do with a native speakers' comprehension of the "ideal" language
system shared among a community of native speakers. In other words, while this ideal
language includes syntax, phonetics and phonemics, morphology and semantics, it is not
related to nor affected by factors such as errors, memory, distractions, etc.  These
nonaffecting factors are grammatically irrelevant and bear no relationship to competence
in knowing the language ideal and are further irrelevant to forming a theory of a
community's shared knowledge of their ideal language

Linguistic performance is the practical versus
the theoretical representedby linguistic competence. While competence can only--at this
point--be a theoretical construct, performance is the factual enactment of linguistic
utterances. Performance also includes syntax, phonetics and phonemics, morphology and
semantics, as does competence, but, in this instance, performance relates to these in
terms of practical actualizations of spoken and/or written utterances, not in terms of
theoretical ideal language structure. Whereas competence does not include situational
factors, performance does include situational factors such as errors, both habitual and
situational; memory loss or limitation; general distractions; level of education; clumsy
speech construction; etc.


Actual speech behavior, speech
performance, for him is only the top of a large iceberg of linguistic competence
distorted in its shape by many factors irrelevant to linguistics. ( title="Chomsky's Revolution in Linguistics. John R. Searle. The New York Review of
Books, June 29, 1972. www.ChomskyInfo"
href="">John R. Searle,

Two other concepts,
the terminology and theoretic understanding of which have changed somewhat as Chomsky's
research has broadened the definitions of transformational generative grammar theory,
are deep structure and surface structure (D-structure and S-structure). These correspond
in general concept with competence and performance in that competence and D-structure
have to do with innate aspects of linguistic operation and performance and S-structure
have to do with variable individual or group production of linguistic operation. While
competence describes the theoretical ideal of a native speaker's language knowledge,
D-structure describes the universal grammar underlying every language--a grammar that
has universally applicable characteristics and is the foundation for every language of
the world. Similarly while performance relates to how an individual speaker may utter
the language, with errors, dialectical variation or slang etc., S-structure describes
the language systems that are built upon the universal grammar as theorized by the
D-structure. Examples of S-structure are Japanese, Indian English, and Portuguese.


According to Yergin, the surface
structure "'faces out' on the world and, by certain phonological rules, is converted
into the sounds we hear; it corresponds to the parsing of sentences which we all learned
from our indefatigable junior high English teachers. ( href="">Major Twentieth Century

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We'll write the formula of the tangent of difference of 2 angles. tan (x-y) = (tan x - tan y)/(1 + tan x*tan y) ...