Contrast is comparing or juxtaposing two things which are
very different. An example in visual art or poetry is the contrast of light and
The general dramatic contrast in this ballad is the
contrast between images of life and death. The image of death is symbolized by the
absence of Bonnie George Campbell. "Bonnie" means physically attractive or excellent.
That image of death is contrasted by the images of life symbolized by George’s mother,
his bride, the lush meadow and finally, his horse.
13-16 represent the contrast between the life of nature and death. The grass of the
meadow is alive and the corn has not even been shorn (harvested or shuck). The world
George’s horse comes back to is teeming with life. This is in dramatic contrast to the
death of George. George’s absence and the bloody saddle convey that George has died in
meadow lies green,the corn is
unshorn,But bonnie George
Campbellwill never return.”
This is a ballad but
it also could be called a lament.
This may be a reference
to a fallen soldier, last name of Campbell, at the battle of Glenlivet in October
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