There are several power structures within the United
Nations that allow it to function more efficiently and effectively. Your teacher may be
asking for a specific six that they have gone over in class or from a text, but these
are the ones I believe they would be referring to:
The General Assembly - Every member nation belongs to this,
and has one vote in resolutions. Basically the Congress of the
2) The UN Security Council
- The five members of the UN who have veto power and are on the Security Council
forever,Britain, France, China, Russia and the US. Ten countries that serve two year
terms on the 15 member Security Council. Every member country is eligible except the
five permanent members.
3) International
Court of Justice - Judicial branch of the UN, and responsible for cases
involving international law and UN resolutions.
UN Secretary General - Currently South Korean Ban Ki Moon,
they serve as the executive of the UN, and hold more power than ordinary
5) The Economic and Social
Council - Charged with improving economic and social conditions in
problem areas around the world.
6) The
Trusteeship Council - Administers those countries and territories
controlled by the UN, to oversee their best interests. All such territories have gained
independence, though, so this council is currently
7) UN Peacekeeping Forces -
An armed force that maintains the peace in various hot spots around the
globe, with military force if necessary.