One of the three main ways that critics have interpreted
the circumstances and occurrences of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
is through the motif of impetuous youth against the wisdom and maturity of
age. In Act I, for instance the nobleman Pris asks for the hand of Juliet, but her
father, Lord Capulet suggests that his daughter is too
child is yet a stranger in the world,She hath not seen the
change of fourteen years;Let two more summers wither in
their prideEre we may think her rip to be a
bride....And too soon marr'd are those so early made
And, in the famous
balcony scene of Act II, Juliet herself projects that youthful passion will determine
the outcome of her romance with Romeo when she cautions him against swearing by the
"inconstant moon," and by saying that their lives may be extinguished after shining
brightly like a bolt of lightning:
It [this love] is too rash, too unadvis'd, too
Too like the lightning, which doeth cease to
...This bud of love by summer's ripening
May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet
Then, when
Romeo comes to Friar Laurence after his meeting with Juliet, the priest also cautions
against acts of haste and reckless passion:
These violent delight have violent
And in their triumph
Therefore love moderately; long love doth
Too swift arrives as tardy as too
slow. (2.6.9-15)
the youth do not heed the words of the older parents and priest. In fact, they do not
heed their own words, and, in what seems tragic design, Juliet turns to Friar Laurence
in her desperate state of mind as she considers suicide. In his attempt to reduce life
threatening conditions for Juliet, the Friar devises a play that will give Juliet time
in her "violent delights." However, as well-meaning as the friar's actions are, they
become defeated by Romeo's passionate desire to reach her and his ignoring of the
friar's instructions. The reckless passion of two fine young people precipitates the
tragic ending to their tale.
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