It is certain that in this work more than in any other by
Hemmingway, religion is constantly referred to and cited. One of the definite allusions
that links the story to the narrative of Christ is the way that the crucifixion is
referred to. Note what Santiago says when he first spots the sharks that are ultimately
going to eat his fish and take away from the glory of his
"Ay," he said aloud. There is no translation for
this word and perhaps it is just a noise such as a man might make, involuntarily,
feeling the nail go through his hands and into the
Notice how Santiago is
linked with the figure of Christ as he is being crucified in his moment of complete
dejection and failure. Notice too, how this is echoed again as he returns to home and
"shoulders the mast and started to climb," just as Jesus was made to carry his cross to
It appears that Hemmingway is keen to stress how
Santiago in his struggle and in his defeat resembles a Christ-like figure with these
allusions, that clearly gives his failure to bring the fish home to port more universal
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