The question of identity, in particular sexual identity
and status as the other is a major theme in this story.When Lionel gives in to his
homosexual desires with Cocoanut, he is forever changed. He has broken out from the
constraints thrust upon him by a society that views same sex erotic love as unnatural,
and he is forced to confront not only the fact that he has defied the natural order as
it previously existed within his mental framework, but also the fact that he enjoyed the
act and began to feel a closeness and affection for another man.The only escape for him,
in the end, is the destruction of the object that he sees of his unnatural
Looking at the novel in terms of one of the basic
tenets of postmodernism, there is an emphasis on subjectivity and deconstruction. It is
about ways of seeing that matter, and the ways in which views are shaped by perception.
Lionel's view is shaped by what he sees as natural love when he leaves the room. When he
returns, he cannot confront the fact that what he has experienced does not agree with
what he has been taught to believe. The fragmentation of society and the deconstruction
of belief systems is a major aspect of postmodern literature, as is the emphasis on the
individual and identity. Both are themes that are examined heavily in the