Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Describe the 8 examples of techno-crime below, identifying in each case whether it would constitute an act of sabotage, and why?The 8 examples of...

     A virus is a computer program that uses an executable
code to replicate itself in a target computer. When this executable code is integrated
into an email or program, the virus will be liberated and attack the new host computer.
A virus could be sabotage because it is the exploitation of the rights of others under a
malicious intent. Sending out viruses to crash dowh computers is indeed an act of
sabotage because it indicates the malicious intent and the planification of the act. It
also ruins the personal, private, financial, and academic projects of others who are
inocent victims.

Phishing is a criminal act in
which hackers infiltrate websites to get information of people using the internet such
as their usernames and passwords. This would be also sabotage because again it is
infiltrating in the protected information of other people with the intention of
obtaining sensitive information. It is also sabotage because it is maliciously intended
and planned ahead with the purpose of engaging in further criminal

A trojan horse-is a form of malware (see
definition of malware below) that is designed for hackers to access information from
other computers. Trojans are often hidden in applications such as bans, ads, even online
forms. Once the trojan horse is "let out", a hacker has officially entered the threshold
of a victim computer. This is indeed another way to maliciously steal information and
would constitute malicious activity, but to call it a sabotage would be a bit too much.
To a point, hackers know that people can protect themselves against trojans and all, so
many hackers do not do it to sabotage, but just to "have something to talk

 Spyware is another form of malware (malicious
software) that is installed to secretly obtain information about the user such as credit
card numbers, location, and much more. This is sabotage because it totally is
intentional, has a malicious intent to steal very important and delicate information,
and can lead to crashing down a computer.

Hacker- A hacker
is the jargon name given to the person or persons who preoigram malware and implant
trojan horses and spyware on the internet with the purpose of stealing information.
Hackers can also program viruses. Only if the hacker creates malware or viruses that are
impossible to be protected from would be the time to call them "sabotagers". However, as
stated before, many hackers do it for fun, and not with the malicious intent to crash a
system or rob a bank.

Spamming is the action of overusing
emails and advertisements and attaching them to mass and bulk addresses. It is an abuse
of emailing privileges. Spamming is not sabotage because all it aims to do is to send
advertisements or sell a product, not to steal your information nor try to get personal

Malware is a programmed computer application
or software which is designed to infiltrate into unsuspecting computers to obtain user
information. Sending out malware is an act of sabotage because it exploits the personal
information of individuals and it is done maliciously and with criminal

Logic Bombs are malware programs that are placed
into games, software, or any other application and are programmed to disrupt the
application, or to disrupt the function of the computer after a certain number of
activity has occurred. For example, after 10 uses or accesses of a certain application,
the malware will be released. It is called a "logic" bomb because it operates under a
specific plan of action. They are sabotage because they cause public fears, put
companies on extra heightened alerts, and basically put the world in a waiting game
which is unfair and silly to do. Since it is interrupting the basic lives of others and
affecting them negatively, it constitutes

All these constitute sabotage in one
way or another. Sabotage is the intention to disrupt. All these examples of techno-crime
are meant to disrupt programs that help people. This infringes in the personal rights
and freedoms of individuals. It is very much a case of sabotage.

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