Monday, April 23, 2012

How does social status influence characters' thoughts, actions and subsequent events in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In the South of the 1930s, a contempt for "Negroes" was
universal among all classes of whites; thus, this racial hatred elevated the lower class
whites to membership with the higher classes.  This condition is why Bob Ewell insists
that his daughter claim that Tom Robinson has raped her.  When he takes the witness
stand, Scout describes him as "a little bantam cock of a man."  And, he takes a certain
pride in his testimony that derogates the black man because it elevates him to this
membership.  He plays upon color rather than

Likewise, Mrs. Dubose feels impelled to call Atticus
a n---lover after learning that he will defend Tom Robinson because of this unstated
membership. And, Mrs. Merriweather, who is very socially conscious, feels that it is
incumbent upon her to discuss the well-meaning, but mistaken intentions of some people
in the community and to derogate her maid Sophy when she attends the missionary tea at
the Finches' home.  Even Dill's aunt makes the comment

If a man
like Atticus Finch wants to butt his head against a stone wall it's his

noting that Atticus has
broken the social code.  And, Stephanie Crawford adds that it is time that

'em a lesson, they were gettin' way abouve themselves, an' the next thing they think
they can do is marry us."

the jury should break this social code by voting that Tom Robinson  not guilty or in
speaking well of Tom, the entire order of Maycomb's society would be 

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Calculate tan(x-y), if sin x=1/2 and sin y=1/3. 0

We'll write the formula of the tangent of difference of 2 angles. tan (x-y) = (tan x - tan y)/(1 + tan x*tan y) ...