Certainly, in Charles Dickens's novel, Great
Expectations, there are some letters and documents which mark momentous
points in Pip's life, and there are letters which prove significant, as well. Here is a
list of several of them:
1. Pip's letters of indentures
mark the end of Pip's innocent childhood as he and Joe go to Miss Havisham's where Joe
acts so oddly that Pip is embarrassed. Miss Havisham hands Pip twenty-five guineas in a
bag to give to Joe and tells him "Goodbye" because Gargery is his master now.
2. When Mr. Jaggers appears in Pip's fourth year of
apprenticeship at the Jolly Bargemen, he informs Pip that he has a benefactor who will
provide for his becoming a gentleman. While there is no paper shown, Mr. Jaggers
mentions certain stipulations to which Pip must adhere, such as his not changing his
name. Jaggers says, "The condition is laid down," a statement which indicates that
stipulations are written in a document. 18
3. Regarding the
history of Miss Havisham, Herbert tells Pip that she received a letter from Compeyson at
twenty minutes to nine. This letter informed her that he would not marry her.
4. After Pip arrives in London and begins to furnish his
apartment with Herbert, he visits Mr. Jaggers who orders Wemmick, "Take Pip's written
order, and pay him twenty pounds." 24
5. Because Pip has
been in London for a while, Biddy writes on behalf of Joe, who wishes to visit him. It
is a rather formal letter notifying Pip that Joe is accompanying Mr. Wopsle.
6. On a return home, Pip stops at the Boar's Nest and
reads in the newspaper that Uncle Pumblechook--"that basest of swindlers"--has taken
credit for Pip's good fortune, referring to himself as Pip's mentor.
7. One day in London, Pip receives "a note by post" from
Estella requesting that he meet her when she arrives on a midday coach. From this
letter, Pip assumes that Miss Havisham desires his being around Estella. However,
Estella informs him that she is going to Richmond to live with a lady there who "has the
power" of showing her to society. 31
8. Pip receives a
letter that Mrs. Joe has died. 34
9. Pip receives "an
official note" from Wemmick, informing him to call upon Mr. Jaggers. Pip arrives, now
of legal age, Pip is handed a five hundred pound note as a present from his benefactor.
Pip is informed that henceforth he will take his money affairs into his own hands.
Jaggers says, "I am the mere agent. I execute my instructions."
10. After visiting at Satis House, Pip receives a
strange note when he arrives in London; it is written by Wemmick and reads "Don't go
home." 44
11. One morning after Pip makes arrangements for
Herbert to work at Clarriker's branch house, a mysterious letter arrives from Wemmick;
it tells him to burn the missive as soon as he reads it and
might do what you know of, if you felt disposed to try it. Now burn.
This letter refers to
Pip's plans to help Provis escape.
11. When Compeyson's
body is found in the Thames, he has papers which indicate an accurate knowledge of
Magwitch's affairs. 55
12. After Pip is burned, Joe cares
for him and leaves a note after Pip is well, signing "Ever the best of friends." (He
has learned to write from Biddy.) 57